All sheds come standard with pre-wired electric, outlets, lights, windows and vents. Delivery and Installation ARE FREE!
Lifetime Installation Warranty!
Accu-Steel Features & Warranties!
Refer to the slide # if you see something you like. Color guide and model choices below.
All sheds are customized to your specifications.
Ask about our Double & Triple Wide models!
Each of our sheds come standard with pre-wired electric, outlets, lights, windows and vents. Then customize as you'd like, add a ramp or shelves, more windows, outlets, doors etc. Remember, delivery and Installation (with a lifetime Warranty) ARE FREE! To view the models we offer, CLICK HERE!
Get one of our superior 21st Century Steel Sheds for the same price as others out there. Wind load to 180 mph & many more advantages!
• 3 Year100% Warranty - Covers everything except Mother Nature.
• 20 Year Full Warranty against rot or termites on the entire base from the floorboard down.
• 30 Year Warranty against rust or corrosion on the sides, trim and roof.
• Galvaloom Roofing - Same as the metal roofing on houses, just 2 gauges thinner.
• We even use stainless steel screws.
• Easy as wood to customize and add shelfs etc... just use self tapping screws.
• Steel does not warp, split, crack or creep
• Steel has the highest strength to weight ratio of any building material
• Steel is not vulnerable to termites or any type of organism
• Steel does not burn or add fuel to the spread of fire
• Steel has less probability of damage in high winds, (screwed vs. nailed)
• Steel does not expand or contract with moisture content
• Steel produces less scrap and waste (2% for steel vs. 20% for wood)
Go see the rest and then come see the best, the only shed experts in Central Florida.
Sheds are what we do, everyday!
Call or come see us today! 321-567-4935
Nobody in Central Florida does it better than SHEDMOVERS.
Trust a local business that has become the very best.
Before you buy anywhere else, talk with us. ShedMovers The Original Shedmovers The King of Sheds
© ShedMovers
ShedMovers - Shed moving in Brevard, Flagler, Higlands, Hardee, Lake, Indian River, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Sumter, St. Johns, St. Lucie & Volusia Counties Florida.
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